Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Less Plastic

Moving forward -

MOM's Organic Market dumps bottled water

Washington Business Journal - by Jeff Clabaugh

Rockville-based MOM's Organic Market will no longer sell bottled water as part of a campaign to reduce the use of plastic.

The organic grocer, with six locations in the D.C. and Baltimore area, will instead install water filtration machines at its stores so customers can rely on reusable containers for water. It is also giving customers their first gallon of water free every visit, it said.

"Not only does plastic damage our environment, but it increases our dependence on oil," founder and CEO Scott Nash said in a statement. "The tragic part of our addition is that, by and large, petroleum-based plastics are not necessary for consumer products and packaging as we have the technology and innovation to use plastic products that biodegrade."

MOM's is also eliminating bagged potatoes, onions, oranges and bagged salad mixes, while replacing other plastic products with biodegradable packaging.

MOM's already recycles plastic containers and, in 2005, was among the first grocers to eliminate plastic bags.



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